Hello there! I'm Pandora, an artist, illustrator, and coin designer from beautiful Vancouver, Canada! Here I studied at Emily Carr University of Art + Design, graduating with a BFA in Illustration.
The humble mechanical pencil, so often discounted in fine arts, is the love of my life, with big giant graphite drawings my particular specialty. Having bootlegged a copy of Photoshop 1 at the age of 13, I have been working digitally now for decades (one might say 'a quarter century,' which sounds wonderfully impressive). And though every canvas is an out and out, tooth and nail struggle with the muses, I also work in the medium of oil paints.
Many of my pieces could be deemed fan art, a genre I embraced upon realizing just how much of art fits that definition - the Sistine Chapel ceiling for one! I much enjoy exploring established lore and mythology, investigating the schisms between their doctrine and our modern ethics, and daring to revise them. Whatever their era, characters, or themes, I aspire always to create works that are not just aesthetically pleasing (anyone can paint a fetching bowl of fruit, after all) but have an emotional hook to latch on to — food for a viewer's soul and imagination.
My foray into coin design was a twist in my career that came as a complete surprise! I have been designing coins with the Royal Canadian Mint since 2016, and find the prospect of a canvas wrought in precious metals, one which will outlive me by centuries or millennia, a tantalizing one indeed!